Коды к игре System Shock 2, прохождение игры, скриншоты.
System Shock 2 - Cheats
You may type these codes:
psi_full - Give the player full psi points
ubermensch - Turns the player into homo superior
add_pool - Give player additional build pool points
show_version - Display version in game mode
toggle_inv - Toggle inv panel
cycle_ammo - Cycle through available ammo types
toggle_compass - Toggle compass state
query - Query cursor 1 = on 0 = off
split - Split cursor 1 = on 0 = off
shock_jump_player - Jump the player
look_cursor - Puts cursor into look mode
reload_gun - Reloads weapon out of inventory
swap_guns - Switches primary and secondary weapons
wpn_setting_toggle - Toggles between weapon settings
select_psipower - Brings up the psi power selection MFD
equip_weapon - Searches your inv for a particular weapon and equips it
cycle_weapon - Cycles through next equippable weapon, 1 for fwd, -1 for back psi_power - Acts like the 1-5 level buttons
open_mfd - Open up an MFD by overlay constant
stop_email - Stop any currently playing email/log
clear_teleport - Clear any existing teleport marker
quickbind - Bind a quick slot
quickuse - Activate a quick slot
use_obj - Use an object by name
msg_history - Toggle message history
play_unread_log - Play an unread log
toggle_mouse - Switch between mouselook & cursor modes
frob_toggle - Switch between modes, also frobbing current selection
frob_object - Simple frob of selected object
frob_object_inv - Simple frob of selected object, in world or in inv
interface_use - Inv use an item
fire_weapon - Fire weapon 1 = start 0 = finish
drag_and_drop Drag - & drop 1 = start 0 = finish
drag_and_drop_frob - Drag & drop 1 = start 0 = finish
drag_and_drop_mode - Drag & drop 1 = start 0 = finish
quicksave - Save to 'current' subdir
quickload - Load from 'current' subdir
Full health & PSI:
While playing System shock 2 and your health and/or PSI levels start dropping do this:
1. Press the ESC key to exit back out to the menu.
2. Press the OPTIONS Key.
3. Press the GAME key.
4. Change the difficulty level to impossible.
5. Press the CONTINUE Key to go back into the game
6. Once back in the game...Immediately do steps 1 thru 3.
7. Change the difficulty level to easy.
8. Press the CONTINUE key to go back into the game.
You will now have full health and full PSI energy.
Special thanks to Rick Higgins for providing this cheat.
Summon items:
In the game hit SHIFT and ; (SEMICOLON) together, then type:
Editing your savegame to give yourself 10,000 nanites and cyber modules:
1. On a piece of paper, note the number of nanites and cyber modules you currently have.
2. Save the game to a savegame slot.
3. From Windows, open the savegame folder you saved your game in.
4. In a HEX editing program, open the latest .MIS file that was saved to disk. Look at the timestamp if you are not sure. (Ignore campaign.mis) 5. Find the P$StackCoun string in your .MIS file. This is the beginning of a 120 byte data record.
6. How many nanites do you have? Convert this number into hexadecimal.
Example: 128 nanites = 0x80. 603 nanites = 0x5B02 (lsb first). 7. Locate this hex value in the P$StackCoun record.
8. Change this value to 0x1027.
9. How many cybermodules do you have? Convert this number into hexadecimal 10. Locate this hex number in the P$StackCoun record. Look for it approximately 12 bytes before the nanite counter.
11. Change this value to 0x1027.
Note: Cheat codes may not support all versions of the game.