Коды к игре Quake Test II, прохождение игры, скриншоты.

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*Enter the following codes at the Quake console (~):
GOD: toggles god mode.
NOCLIP: toggles no clipping mode.
NOTARGET: toggles no target mode.
GIVE ALL: grants nine hundred nitety nine of each item.
GIVE BLASTER: grants the blaster.
GIVE GRENADELAUNCHER: grants the grenade launcher.
GIVE JACKETARMOR: grants jacket armor.
GIVE MACHINEGUN: grants the machine gun.
GIVE ROCKETLAUNCHER: grants the rocket launcher.
GIVE SHOTGUN: grants the shotgun.
GIVE SSHOTGUN: grants the super shotgun.
GIVE BULLETS: grants bullets.
GIVE CELLS: grants cells.
GIVE GRENADES: grants grenades.
GIVE MINES: grants mines.
GIVE NUKE: grants the nuke.
GIVE ROCKETS: grants rockets.
GIVE SHELLS: grants shells.
GIVE SLUGS: grants slugs.
GIVE INVULNERABILITY: grants invulnerability.
GIVE QUAD: grants quad damage.
GIVE REBREATHER: grants the rebreather.
GIVE SILENCER: grants the silencer.

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